
Competitive Customer Service

Customer Service
Everyone has heard of it and many people are involved in providing it. But what is it, and why is it so important? This course aims to explain why it is an essential part of most people's jobs, and how it can positively effect the success of your organisation.

The course gives you an introduction to customer service and the benefits to you; it also asks you to evaluate the job you do and the improvements you can make to ensure you give competitive service to your customers.


The course is a team-based learning system and gives an explanation of the different kinds of competitive customer services.



- Why does customer service matter?

- What makes the difference?

- What does the research say?

- What does competitive customer service look like?

- What does giving competitive customer service crave?

- Why should you care?

- The three winners

- Your attitude to service?

- How do you see your job?

- What does competitive customer service mean to me?

- Service and stress

- How to deal with difficult situations


This course will benefit all professionals, who are in contact with the company?s customers as well as professionals who provide support for sales and service employes.


Duration and location
The course is a On-Site company course. Duration, time, location and programme will be agreed upon together with you.


Number and price
Number of participants and the price depends on the agreed programme. 

The price is exclusive VAT and possible expenses concerning travel and accommodation for the trainer.


For more information
Contact ROMMERDAHL U&U, Adelgade 1, DK-1304 Copenhagen K,  phone +45 3333 0937, www.rommerdahl.dk,      e-mail: Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.





Telefon: 33 33 09 37 | E-mail: kursus@rommerdahl.dk | Adelgade 1, 1304 København K
